

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday... after midnight!

I forgot that today was "Thankful Thursday" until I got on tonight and was reading all my blogger friends! There are so many things for me to be thankful for! We don't have time for that! I hear you saying, awwwwwhh!
One thing I am thankful for is my grandbabies! You knew that was coming, huh? I got a call from them today, and my oh my can you say cute?!? My oldest wants me to tell his PaPa that he needs his help making a Pirate Ship! He wants me to let him know he will need lots of nails, Grana!
He asked me to be finding some bright material for the sails! He also needs me to help him find the costumes for all of us to be wearing as we are sailing on this ship! He will be parking it in his Aunt's lake at the place where she works, so we can sail back to his house from there!LOL! Can it get any cuter than that? We are amazed at how smart all of these little ones are! You know what they say! It has to be passed down!
Something else I have to be thankful for is the pool is getting smaller!! What I mean by that is that I am now 16 days away from being invited to training!! Right now the class is going to be starting in May graduating in June. It doesn't look like I will make that one and they aren't saying if there will be another one starting in July, yet! It looks like it is getting closer, finally
after almost a year of floating in the pool! If the Lord brings me to your mind please remember to pray for me about this. It is an amazing opportunity for a job, but it will be very hard on me to learn all this in such a short time! I am so excited about the benefits this will give to our family! Free flights to any where! Of course I will earn those too! More tomorrow! I hope!