I asked my man if he had seen my post that I had made today, and his response was, "No, I never check your blog because you don't ever post!" Sometimes the truth hurts! When I started this blog I did it to show off the babies and be a bragging grana! Nobody even knew I was here! Boy have things changed. I now have three people that read it daily! WOW! The pressure is on!
I wanted to get some ideas coming in for some "fun food" that I could fix for the babies when I go to stay with them, but no one has any! Poor babies! Papa John's here we come!
Congrats to Mrs. Troop! She won a great give away for leaving a comment! Big deal you say, do you know how many times I have left comments and not even an honorable mention! I think Mrs. Troop does a great job on her blog, one of those naturals!
Remember my Sophie girl? She is not so little any more, I hope I can get her picture posted!
Have a blessed day!